by Emma Bragdon, PhD.

To replace the bible of psychiatry
The Newest DSM*:
Deliberately Seeking Mental Health
Author/Editor: Emma Bragdon, PhD.
First Published in 2013
A graphic, informative and humorous view into the causes of mental disturbance and the symptoms they produce… It recommends some very effective treatments, too! (Older DSM books say very little about causes & treatments.)
Perfect waiting room fare for the office of a health professional (just print it up), and a heart-warming, fun, inspiring self-help manual for others! 21 pages/ full color graphics.
Format: pdf document delivered online
Cost: $4.95 (Helps us raise funds for Integrative Mental Health for You)
Click to buy: https://gumroad.com/l/pPIm
From Personal Crisis toPersonal Transformation
Author: Emma Bragdon, PhD.
First published by HarperSanFrancisco, 1990. New edition, 2013
Learn more about the phenomena of spiritual awakening. Read compelling stories of those who tell about their unusual experiences and the postive outcomes. Recognize the triggers for spiritual emergency and realize that increasing numbers all over the world are going through these evolutionary psychic openings. They leave us more intuitive, more telepathic, more compassionate, and wanting to be of assistance to others on the path of evolution. Learn how to recognize and care for someone in spiritual emergency–without confusing their disorientation with “going crazy” and thinking they must need to be medicated.
Click here for online course on this topic: "How to Effectively Support Someone in Spiritual Emergency".
Amazon.com for softcover & ebook
Schizophrenia, Bipolar andOther Serious Mental Illnesses
Published in 2012
by Lightening Up Press
Author: Emma Bragdon, PhD.
We have 6 times more people with serious mental illness now then we did in the 1950s. We still don’t know the full story of the origin of mental disturbances in the USA. Brazil is our guide.
Clarify the need for a cautious approach to psychiatric medication. Explore the model of integrative psychiatric care used in Brazil, and get resources for those who live outside Brazil.
Read and meet a groundbreaking new paradigm that illuminates the practical application of spirituality to mental health care. Compelling real-life stories point the way. Contact information for safe homes, sanctuaries, empowerment centers and private practitioners are given with recommendations for further learning.
This is an excellent guide and an inspiring reference for those suffering with emotional disturbances, their families, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, healthcare providers and students.
Amazon.com: Softcover & ebook formats.
Practices from Spiritist Centers and Spiritist Psychiatric Hospitals
Published in 2011
by Singing Dragon, an Imprint of Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Author: Emma Bragdon, PhD.
Foreword by James Lake, MD.
Spiritist therapies are gaining increasing recognition internationally for their ability to complement conventional medicine and add power to integrative mental healthcare. This pioneering text is the first comprehensive account of the philosophy, theory, practical applications and wider relevance of Spiritist therapies to be published in the English language. Providing important new insights into the rich tradition of Brazilian Spiritism, this authoritative text will be of interest to mental health professionals, counselors, therapists and alternative and complementary health practitioners.
Leading practitioners and researchers in the field describe the history, principles and diagnostic processes of the Spiritist approach to mental health, and provide an extensive summary of the various methodologies used, including spiritual mediumship, energy work, prayer, homeopathy, past life regression and the practice of integrating spirituality into counselling and psychotherapy. Considering the ways in which Spiritism aligns with contemporary science, they show that the Spiritist model has the potential to bring about a positive transformation in the ways in which mental health care is conceptualized and delivered around the globe. The final part of the book explores how we can include Spiritist treatments in our own hospitals and clinics and further research into this dynamic integrative approach to mental health.
Amazon.com: Softcover & ebook formats.
Former title: A Sourcebook for Helping People in Spiritual Emergency
Author: Emma Bragdon, PhD.
Foreword: David Lukoff, PhD.
Lightening Up Press, 2006 (2nd edition, revised)
A classic on recognizing the difference between mental breakdown and spiritual breakthrough into higher levels of functioning. A handbook for health professionals and a practical guide for those undergoing spiritual awakening or caring for someone in spiritual crisis.
Amazon.com: Softcover & ebook formats.
Author: Emma Bragdon, PhD.
Foreword by Rustum Roy, PhD.
Lightening Up Press, 2004.
Emma Bragdon visits contemporary Spiritualist Centers in Brazil, interviews leaders and students, and reveals what is so effective about the healing practices in these centers. Especially interesting for anyone getting acquainted with Spiritism and comparing it to Spiritualism. Visit Kardecs-spiritism.com for more information.
Amazon.com: Softcover & ebook formats.
Author: Emma Bragdon, PhD.
Foreword by Stanley Krippner, PhD.
Lightening Up Press, 2002
Emma Bragdon, a psychologist, who visits John of God’s sanctuary in Brazil and interviews both physicians and patients there, recording their perspectives on John’s healing practices. Useful for comparing his healing work to conventional healthcare. and considering the roots of what empowers healing. Johann Grobler, MD, said, "This book should be given to every medical student throughout the world".
Amazon.com: Softcover only
In English with options for subtitles in French, Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish
Distributed by Spiritual Alliances, LLC.
Spirituality is intimately tied to wellness. We see this in Spiritual Centers in Brazil where psychic mediums and healers use specific ’Spiritist’ therapies to help people heal from mental and physical illnesses, and enhance spiritual growth.
Witness the secret, gentle process of releasing mental patients from obsessions and negative thinking — which has helped severely ill patients return to normal life.
See a form of laying-on-of-hands Spiritists use to help patients heal from cancer and other degenerative diseases.
Hear about the steps of personal transformation needed for true healing. Compelling interviews with physicians and Spiritist leaders give backbone to the effectiveness of these therapies. Intimate, dramatic footage of indigenous healers communing with God and Nature depict the potential human beings have always had for direct communication with benevolent, intelligent, invisible forces.
Spiritist Therapies have been developed in community centers, hospitals and clinics for more than 150 years in Brazil. We invite you to contemplate how successful they are in feeding our spiritual hunger and whether these approaches can help our ailing health care system. We invite you to contemplate the notion that they are facilitating participants in reaching their highest human potential.
This documentary is important for anyone interested in spiritual healing, Reiki, Touch-for-Health, nursing, shamanism, cross-cultural medicine, human potential, and Whole Person Health, ie. Body, Mind, and Spirit Health. It dispels myths that Spiritism is involved with voodoo, animal sacrifice and superstition. It validates the contemporary, scientific aspects of spiritual healing–suggesting these therapies have a place alongside conventional allopathic care. It invites further discussion, study and research.
Co-produced by Emma Bragdon and Anne Macksoud.
Amazon.com has this for purchase or rent through Vimeo
An intimate portrait of the sanctuary where John of
God, a world famous healer, works. The inner details
of the healing are revealed from an insider’s perspective.
Vt. native, Mathew Ireland, diagnosed with an
aggressive brain tumor, tells the story of being healed
at the sanctuary after conventional medicine had said
he was about to die. Bragdon, who has made more
than 25 trips to John’s healing Sanctuary, narrates.
Feel the spirit of the place.
Co Produced by Anne Macksoud and Emma Bragdon.
Released, October 2006. Was available in English with subtitles in German, French and Portuguese.
This is no longer available to see or purchase. As of 2018 John has been convicted of crimes including fraud and sex abuses. We felt a tribute was no longer appropriate even though we acknowledge great healing also happened at the Casa de Dom Inacio. It's a very sad story now.